Tuesday, May 31, 2011

#3 The rebuild begins...

New ceiling line framed, old supports out ..notice the windows ready for install and the new framed cook island

Wow, the new windows will be huge

The door for the NanaWall is framed.

Old sliding door is covered

#2 Let the demo begin...

And so the demo goes!! 
The first piece to get ripped...those sexy, loose, yellow railings.  buh bye!

you want to fight?  fight me!

Spicy meatball Italian gets dirty

Yet again, Adam can't keep the man crack at bay

Two Micks Demo Service, LLC?

Karate kid

I fought the floor and the floor won....
Who gets to bring that out to the dumpster?

Pint sized pocket power!

pooches help too

View from above
So easy, even a sissy-non-beer-drinking-Canadian can do it!!

Granite, fear me

Sans cabinets

about to lift the ceiling 8 feet

Opening up the stairs

Creating a groove in the ceiling for a 39 sheet plywood truss to support the new exposed ceiling

#1 The before pics...

It's been a while since I have lived through a major renovation.  A long while.  They say if a woman remembered how painful giving birth was, she would never give birth again.  The same goes for a renovation.

It's not that the house was horrible.  It was just dated.   I was going to just do a minor redo of the cabinet faces and maybe a new stove.  Um yeah...that didnt happen.

Here it was before.